Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leading Lines
There are lots of line that leads your eye around image.

Brightness and Sharpness
There is a very bright part of picture compared to the dark
and it looks sharp.

The plant takes up space.
Emphasize height and Distance
Its placed on lower half of frame.

Emphasize Foreground
Its placed on upper half of frame.

Avoiding Bull eyes
Its not completely in middle

Multiple Subjects
There are multiple cones in this picture.
Rule of Thirds
It is placed on cross points.


  1. The Bulls eye picture has a bit too much light and is whitewashing,or blowing out the tree. Also there is the same picture used for multiple rules. Other than that I like the pictures and editing.

  2. Image 1-Correct label. Good composition. Color is a little blue.

    Image 2-Image does not meet brightness & sharpness criteria. Although the image is in focus it is super dark and a lot of detail is lost. You want to make sure your subject is well lit. Fix and resubmit to raise your grade.

    Image 3-Correct label, Good color, good composition.

    Image 4- Picture does not match label. Horizon in picture is too high to be Emphasis on height and distance. Replace with different picture.

    Image 5-Correct label, Good color

    Image 6- Correct label. Image is really blown out. Too bright. When taking the picture adjust the exposure by tapping on the phone and moving it up and down OR adjust levels in Photoshop.

    Image 7-Correct label. Good color.

    Image 8- You already used this image for leading lines. No double dipping.

    1. Image 2 you came over and helped me edit and said it looked much better and now your criticizing it? Also image 4 is placed on the line so i don't get what you mean. Also i have 0 clue to what avoiding bull eyes mean and i lost composition paper so i had no clue what i even had to do, i just used photos i had and thought were ok. And you did not say we couldn't use multiple picture plus i didn't know that bull eyes was something i had to take photo of because i didnt know what i had to take. So im sorry that i messed up, ill retake some i guess.

    2. It's me Viviana. Sorry if that maybe came off rude (my friend said it did):( it is not my intention, I just wanna let you know my opinion & why I didn't do that good of job D:

    3. I am not upset just a word of advice from a teacher to a student. Be careful what you put out there in writing. How you type things can come off with attitude if you write it in the heat of the moment. Always type it out then read it out loud, Erase it, then type it again, Read it out load again ( to a someone else doesn't hurt) before you hit send. Once you put those words out there, you can't take them back.

      This is your first project. I am giving you constructive feedback on how to improve for your next assignment or if you want the opportunity to re-do this one to better understand the things you struggled with to strengthen yourself as a photographer. If I don't tell you the stuff you need to work on and only praise you, you are not going to change or improve.

      Image 2 is not at all a bad picture. It is a interesting back lit shot. It just doesn't match that particular composition concept. It very well could match another one instead (hint hint).

      Image 4, is a tad higher than the lower third. I did check it in Photoshop just to make sure. Lower it even more. You can do this with a simple crop. You want more sky than ground.

      Avoiding bullseye you got correct. All it means is Don't put anything in the center of the picture.

      If you lost the paper you always have the entire assignment available on the class blog with the power point. All of which are printable and accessible via your cell phone. In case you forgot the website here it is, save it to your phone: www.dodgedigitalphoto.blogspot.com

      Lastly, If you read the assignment, it says on the bottom "Use 1 picture per point." I also said this in class. Here is the link to the assignment, just copy/paste: https://dodgedigitalphoto.blogspot.com/2019/09/composition-points-to-ponder.html

      You have a lot of potential Viviana. I'm already seeing growth in you from this project to the next. Keep up the good work.

  3. I really like photo you took with the power lines and the silhouette of the telephone poll and the tree.
