Monday, September 23, 2019

My Letter art for Digital Imaging
The best thing about my artwork is how the V's look like overlapping each other. The weakest thing about my work is there wasn't enough yellow and the right yellow look. I can probably improve this once i learn how to fuse text layer together and do something like clipping on ibis paint x. Instead of having stuff like clipping i had to change how each V looked one by one with filters and changing opacity and shading. I used brush tool too. I was able to meet my objected for my assignment using those tools. The easiest about this subject was not making our own V's but using the Text tool. It was difficult because choosing and finding each V was difficult. If i were to do this again ill do different colors. It would look brighter and cooler. I would rate the work iv'e done as a 9-10. I think it looks cool and reaches the requirement i need for this project. only thing i want to differently was showing more of the yellow.


  1. i really the like v and all the shapes size as well as the color pattern you chose and honestly i would have done nothing to fix it or even change.

  2. Replies
    1. Give positive and constructive feedback. Why is it nice? What can she improve on?
